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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage treatments combine a variety of techniques including deep tissue, myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, Thai foot massage and Indian head massage. The massage is different each time, depending on your needs. Usually the massage is gentle and slow, in line with a craniosacral therapy approach where the tissue (muscle, fascia, or underlying organ) is followed and a deeper pressure is only used when necessary. This promotes regeneration and self-healing without eliciting the body's self-defence mechanisms which slow down or block the positive effects of a treatment.


This massage is recommended for all age groups and can be performed through clothes (please wear soft, comfortable clothes) or directly on the skin, depending on needs and preferences.



  • Reduces muscle tension, pain, inflammation, and the formation of adhesions

  • Increases blood and lymph flow

  • Reduces stress, depression and anxiety and stimulates the immune system

  • Improves skin tone and elasticity

This is a versatile massage with easily adjustable intensity making it suitable for any age and having few contraindications.


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